Nam Theun 2 has been recognized for its outstanding health and safety performance at the 5th ASEAN Occupational Safety and Health Network (OSHNET) Awards on 11th September 2024. This prestigious accolade was presented during the event hosted by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower, which also included the 11th ASEAN-OSHNET Conference, the Policy Dialogue on Enhancing OSH through Global Supply Chains, and the 25th ASEAN-OSHNET Coordinating Board Meeting.

The ASEAN-OSHNET Excellence Awards celebrate remarkable achievements in occupational safety and health (OSH) across the ASEAN region, highlighting exemplary practices, initiatives, and contributions from member countries. This recognition aligns with the ASEAN Labor Ministers’ vision of fostering a thriving economic environment through a skilled, competent, and competitive workforce.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, on behalf of the Government of Laos, nominated Nam Theun 2 for this honor, underscoring the company’s robust safety culture and outstanding performance.

Nam Theun 2’s CEO, Mr. Marc-Antoine Rupp, expressed pride in the company’s commitment to health and safety.

“It is a tremendous honor to receive this award,” he said. “This accolade reflects the development of our safety culture and reaffirms Nam Theun 2’s steadfast commitment to health and safety.”

“Our safety performance highlights our dedication to achieving Zero Harm. It also underscores the success of our targeted safety programs, which focus on critical areas and key safety indicators.” “I extend my sincere gratitude to every employee, contractor, and member of the local community who contributed to this achievement. Their unwavering commitment to safety ensures that we all return home safely each day.” Mr. Marc-Antoine added.