Harnessing nature’s power
Nam Theun 2 generates power using water from the Nakai reservoir that collects the water of the upper Nam Theun watershed. The Nakai Plateau, which sits 350 meters above the Gnommalath plain, is considered an ideal location for a hydropower facility. Water flows from the reservoir through a water Intake located at the edge of the plateau and is tunneled through a succession of horizontal and vertical tunnels that drop down to the Power Station in the Gnommalath district. It spins the turbines and the
generators, transforming mechanical energy into electrical energy. The water is then released in the Regulating Pond that smoothen the flows before entering the Downstream Channel for a 27 km journey to finally reach the Xe Bang Fai river.

The plant features two separate generating systems: four 250 MW Francis Units for export to Thailand and two 40 MW Pelton Units which produce power for the Lao national grid.
Nam Theun 2 began producing electricity in 2010 after almost two decades of planning and development phases. To enhance efficiency and reliability of its performance, Nam Theun 2 implements international standards to manage its operations, thus complying with its customers and shareholders expectations.
The energy is partly supplied to Electricité du Laos (EDL) for domestic and industrial uses through 115kV lines to the substation in Mahaxai. About 95% of the power is exported to Thailand through a 500kV transmission line that crosses the Mekong river in Savannakhet.

Amount of each year EGAT Net Electrical Energy Since 2010
No Data Found
Amount of each year EDL Net Electrical Energy Since 2010
No Data Found