An Iconic Project for Laos
Learn more about what makes Nam Theun 2 one of the most successful industrial endeavors in Laos, owing it the name of “multipurpose project”.
ສຳນັກງານໃຫຍ່: ເຮືອນເລກທີ 249, ໜ່ວຍ 15, ຊ້ັນ 5 ແລະ ຊັ້ນ 6
ບ້ານ ວັດນາກ, ຖະໜົນລາວ-ໄທ, ເມືອງ ສີສັດຕະນາກ
ຕູ້ ປ.ນ 5862, ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ, ສປປ ລາວ
ໂທ: (856-21) 263 900, ແຟັກ: (856-21) 263 901
ໂທ: (856-51) 620 440, ແຟັກ: (856-51) 620 439
ເຮືອນຈັກຜະລິດໄຟຟ້າ: ບ້ານ ສ້າງແກ້ວ, ເມືອງ ຍົມມະລາດ,
ແຂວງ ຄຳມ່ວນ
ກຳລັງຕິດຕ້ັງ: 1,080 ເມັກກາວັດ
ຜະລິດໄຟຟ້າສະເລ່ຍປະຈຳປີ: 6,000 ຈິກກາວັດໂມງ
ສຳນັກງານໃຫຍ່: ເຮືອນເລກທີ 249, ໜ່ວຍ 15, ຊ້ັນ 5 ແລະ ຊັ້ນ 6
ບ້ານ ວັດນາກ, ຖະໜົນລາວ-ໄທ, ເມືອງ ສີສັດຕະນາກ
ຕູ້ ປ.ນ 5862, ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ, ສປປ ລາວ
ໂທ: (856-21) 263 900, ແຟັກ: (856-21) 263 901
ໂທ: (856-51) 620 440, ແຟັກ: (856-51) 620 439
ເຮືອນຈັກຜະລິດໄຟຟ້າ: ບ້ານ ສ້າງແກ້ວ, ເມືອງ ຍົມມະລາດ,
ແຂວງ ຄຳມ່ວນ
ກຳລັງຕິດຕ້ັງ: 1,080 ເມັກກາວັດ
ຜະລິດໄຟຟ້າສະເລ່ຍປະຈຳປີ: 6,000 ຈິກກາວັດໂມງ
Project Statistics
Installed Capacity
Annual Supply
Nakai Dam Height
Catchment Area
The Nam Theun 2 is committed to manage its operational risks related to its activities in terms of health & safety, hydro-safety and environmental for its staff, contactors and communities.
Nam Theun 2 hands over 2023 Corporate Income Tax to Government of Laos
The Nam Theun 2 Forestation Project
The Prime Minister of Laos paid a visit to Nam Theun 2
Nam Theun 2 Hands Over Successful Projects to Gnommalath District
Thrilling moment! Pelton Unit 11’s rotor lifted off for the first time
The NT2DF Steering Committee meeting No. 7
The Nakai-Nam Theun National Park is a key area within the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot, spreading across Khammouane and Bolikhamxay provinces.
Nam Theun 2 provides in-house expertise on water chemistry, hydrobiology, greenhouse gas emission and wildlife in relation to the Nam Theun 2 hydro system.
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